It's time to sign up for the Winter OSC Doubles 8-ball Pool League starting in just 2 weeks!We start on January 16, and play every Thursday at 7PM for 10 weeks at Big John's Billiards. 8 games per night for 10 weeks, and only $25 per player for members.All levels of play are welcome, and we use a...
OSC Pool is in the STORE!
The 2024 OSC Fall Pool League is over as our last night of play and end-of-season party was November 21, 2024.If you missed the fun this time, our next session will start January 16th, 2025 and run through March. The League sign-up is in the OSC Store NOW!We play 8 games of doubles 8-ball with...
OSC Pool Leagues
Come join us on Thursday evenings starting January 16, 2025 at 7PM for 10 weeks of social doubles 8-ball at Big John's Billiards. All levels of play are welcome!We play 8 games per night for 10 weeks, so that's 80 games for only $25 per member. Get your partner and come out to play!The rules are...
Pool League Starts Sept 12!
Come join us on Thursday evenings starting September 12 at 7PM for 10 weeks of social doubles 8-ball at Big John's Billiards. All levels of play are welcome!We play 8 games per night for 10 weeks, so that's 80 games for only $25 per member. Get your partner and come out to play! The rules are...
Pool League is in the store!
OSC Fall '24 Doubles 8-ball pool league is in the store now. Our 10 week league will start September 12 and play every Thursday (except Thanksgiving) at 7 PM at Big John's Billiards. All levels of play are welcome, as it is a social league and we usually have multiple divisions. At 8 games per...
Summer Pool League Ends
Thanks to those that played in the OSC Summer Doubles 8-ball Social League.Steve and Laura win the Summer '24 Pool Championship. Nice Shootin' . And I love the shirts!It was a lot of fun, and I hope to see you back in the Fall League starting in September. Look for the sign-ups in the OSC Store at...
Summer Pool League Starts May 9
OSC Summer Pool is in the store now!We will have an 8 week doubles 8-ball pool league on Thursdays 7PM-9PM starting May 9 and playing thru June at Big John's Billiards. There's 8 games per night, and at $25 per member for 64 games, it's a great deal. Get a partner and sign up soon! Don't be sittin'...
OSC Pool League
Spring Pool Session Ended 4/11/24.Thanks to those who played the Omaha Sports Club Spring '24 Pool League! I hope you had a great time, and met a few new people.Congratulations to our division champions, Jesse and Bob, Mike and Zach, and Dion and Darrin! Good job. Pics below.We will play an 8 week...
Pool Subs Needed!
We have 80 people playing in the doubles 8 ball pool league this Spring session in all levels of play. If you missed the league sign-up and have thought about joining pool, why not sign up to be a sub? With this many people, we need subs almost every week.It's kinda like a big happy hour where you...
Happy New Year!
If one of your resolutions for 2023 is to have more fun, then the Omaha Sports Club Pool League can get you started!Pool League starts January 19th and runs for 10 Thursdays, ending March 23rd. It's a social doubles 8-ball format playing 8 games per night, starting at 7PM and usually finishing...