Dart leagues to return January 2021

It is with great excitement that I get to announce the restart of OSC Dart Leagues beginning January 2021. We will plan on having our Sunday night league of 01 (either 501 or 301...I haven't decided) and our Monday night Cricket League.

Now, many things need to fall into place for leagues to happen. Most obviously is the COVID situation and the safety of members playing. We will be given specifics on bar availability, social distancing, etc. as winter kicks into full gear. A large enough bar that is willing to host us is also a major consideration. I will spend the fall and early winter looking for a place. Suggestions will be encouraged as other board members have already offered (thanks Glen).

Another consideration is that it's been 21 years since I ran Dart Leagues, so I will be under a watchful learning curve. More articles will be written to keep you posted on progress.

Looking forward to the journey!


Dave Billig