Our July scramble was cancelled... a rain out. Only my 3rd Rainout in 19 years. Once at Highland GC in Lincoln (where we waited for at least an hour for it to clear) and once at Majestic Hills GC in Denison, Iowa (where we started to play but came in after 9 holes and had lunch).. some of the tougher
Our July scramble was cancelled... a rain out. Only my 3rd Rainout in 19 years. Once at Highland GC in Lincoln (where we waited for at least an hour for it to clear) and once at Majestic Hills GC in Denison, Iowa (where we started to play but came in after 9 holes and had lunch).. some of the tougher
Fall Softball Signup time is NOW and in the OSC Store for Purchase Can you believe it with June already half gone, we are ready for Fall Softball Signups. If interested please go to the Omaha Sports Club website STORE and purchase a ticket to play ASAP (limited number of tickets available). We will start play on August 27th
Husker Game Happy Hour Thursday August 31st at Smitty's Garage 7610 Dodge Street 6PM I'll be there at 4:30 www.eatatthegarage.com (PRNewsFoto/Hal Smith Restaurants)
Season will be September 7 - November 30 Our fall season plays 8 games of doubles 8-ball every Thursday night 7 to 9 PM at Big John's Billiards for 10 weeks (excluding Thanksgiving).
Red League (previous A) - St Luke's Church (120th & Burke) September 26th - November 28th 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Blue League (previous B) - Westside Community Center (108th & Grover) September 28th - November 30th 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM *Tryouts will be held Tuesday, September 19th @ 6:30pm @ St. Luke's. Doors open @ 6:15pm.
Omaha Sports Club September Scramble (Sweater Day) at Lake Ridge GC in Beaver Lake As golf season comes to a close, so does our scramble calendar (stupid weather). The last scramble of the year is called Sweater Day (mainly because it’s usually cooler then). We have played in October in the past but lately we’ve migrated to September. A reminder:
Cricket Dart League is upon you! League will start on Sept. 25th and run for 10 weeks. Banquet/tournament will be on Dec.4th 2023. League cost $28 per person for 10 weeks of play. League is limited to the first 16 members that sign up. No more than 16 because of board limitations at The White House Bar. If heavy desire