We’re playing 9-hole courses and playing it twice this year to capitalize on the shotgun start concept. Hopefully the size of our group increases so we can play locally once again. Lake Ridge GC which is very close to Beaver Lake and an equally challenging golf course. You can bring a non-member...
May Scramble at NuMark GC in Lincoln
May Scramble Saturday, May 20th Starting at 10am NuMark GC at 4944 S 89th Street (a.k.a. HiMark GC) Lincoln, NE. A new format “Modified Green Ball” scramble. But what is it? 3 people play scramble format AND 1 person plays a green ball. (The Green ball hitter rotates every hole,...
New location for July Golf Scramble…
Our scramble event at Highlands was a little windy, but fun. It was great to revisit Highlands. But playing a tee-time format caused several early people to wait a bit afterwards... After hearing some grumbling, I gave it some thought; playing tee times wasn’t going to work for future 8 or 9...
June Scramble / Highlands G.C. in Lincoln
Our June scramble is scheduled for Highlands Golf Course in Lincoln. 5501 NW 12th St. Lincoln, NE We’ll play a tee-times format starting at 1:00PM (we get a price break then) and a Hamburger / Brat luncheon side dish afterwards. (as teams finish they’ll be able to eat right away). So when you...